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Richard - The Southern Kitchen

Beef glorious beef!

Dear Tooting & Balham Foodies! My gosh – I can’t quite believe we are well and truly in the run up to Christmas. Despite us all been stuck at home most of the year, it has gone astonishingly quickly. Last week, I met bovine perfection, with our Mississippi Beef Pot Roast. I’d been wanting to do this for a little while as the comments on line for this were extremely positive. It was the epitome of American home cooked food in its approach, which can make them quite esoteric for us Brits. All of the recipes that I could find wanted you to use an “Instant Pot” slow-cooker, Au Jus Gravy and ranch dressing powder, so took a bit of thought to translate it for an English supermarket. Anyway, after much hemming and hawing, I took the plunge and was not disappointed. It was divine. The beef was wibbly and wobbly to shred and so deep in savoury beef umami-ness it made you cross eyed. The next day, I tweaked with it a bit more, adding in beef stock and some bone marrow which put it to 11. Taking inspiration from Dip & Flip, I popped it in a bun, and it made the most pleasing of sammie’s, with beefy goodness dribbling everywhere, and a bun to soak up even more goodness. Messy but so satisfying. It’s pretty much gone to the top of the list of things to serve when we are finally allowed people round for a party!

I also managed to eat the Okra & Tomato stew properly as well. This was a fabulous vegan dish, and is in the category of dishes that committed carnivores (ie me!) would be happy to eat. Whilst not a gumbo, it was certainly over in that direction, with the okra, onions and celery being cooked down before the addition of flour to make a light roux. The tomatoes, stock and spices are then added to make a deep earthy winters stew that you then serve over rice. I could of eaten bowls and bowls of the stuff! This week sees us cooking our double cheeseburgers for the last time this year, as well as our final Sunday cook of the year, where I am going to be cooking our house favourite Jambayala! I also love the Okra & Tomato stew so much that I need to do it again.

Next Friday, will see us cook for the last time this year. I’ve not quite decided what to do, but doing Pulled Turkey as a final hurrah seems a good idea!? People go nuts for this seasonal speciality in the States, but I would need to buy a rather large bird – is this something that folks would be keen to eat!? Let me know! 😊 As always, please do try to get your orders in early so that we can get the stock levels right!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Happy eating y’all!


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